A quick and easy breakfast or healthy snack, this Apple Oatmeal Breakfast Smoothie is packed with plant-based protein from oats, almond or peanut butter,...
Our daughter-in-law started a breakfast tradition when we visited, and it has transformed into this breakfast burrito that has crushed nacho chips in it...
Great snack you can enjoy during the fall, or any other season if you freeze leftover persimmons like I do. Adjust the spices to your own tasting. Sprinkle...
This biscuit breakfast sandwich is made with green chiles, bacon, jalapenos, onions, eggs, and Jack cheese. Get up and go with some spice! I prefer to...
Although delicious, making a loaf of chocolaty Eastern European babka is quite an undertaking. For those of us who are time-challenged, here's a quick...
Hard-boiled eggs and yummy cheesy sauce, spooned over toast points! My family's favorite holiday brunch. We actually call this dish 'Claudia's Eggs'. Really...
These are extremely good and easy to make. My family makes them with a strawberry-banana filling, but other people I know put Nutella® in it, which is...
I have a master granola recipe that I tweak and experiment with. This is my favorite variation so far! Not too sweet, and chock full of tasty ingredients....
This is my version of overnight oats packed with some protein without any added sugars or sweeteners. I usually have mine at lunch. It saves me a lot of...
These muffin tin omelets are my favorite breakfast--gluten free, low in calories, and very filling! I use them as breakfast in the morning on the go or...
Nothing screams autumn like chestnuts. Naturally leavened, gluten-free sourdough starter mixed with fine chestnut flour gives this waffle a smooth, smoky...
This French toast starts with a quick homemade caramel sauce that sits on the bottom of the baking dish. Soak the bread in the egg mixture overnight and...
I needed an after-workout protein shake that was also a breakfast meal replacement that would keep me full until lunch. Everything I tried only lasted...
Greek yogurt, eggs, and fresh spinach cook in your air fryer to make a healthy brunch meal. The yogurt gives a lovely texture and is healthier than fatty...
This is a delicious orange sweet bread recipe that has been passed down in my family for several generations. It is a Greek tradition to serve this bread...
This is my adaptation of a common Latvian dish. It was a common breakfast or lunch dish in Latvia. It was topped with a little butter and honey. My kids...
Yummy potato, bacon, and egg casserole. The flavors meld together into a cohesive taste explosion. I actually came up with this for a friend's birthday...
Nutella® crepes are a favorite at the 'roulottes' (restaurant vans) on the Tahiti waterfront. The chocolate, banana, and whipped cream combination is...
The molasses in the batter gives this version of the classic breakfast food a caramel coating that is quite delicious. This one also proves to be a great...
This easy crustless quiche is always a hit with the family. It's vegetarian but satisfying for those meat-eaters too. Good for breakfast or any meal paired...
Studded with pockets of tender meat and gooey cheese, these savory scones are a great way to use up leftover Easter ham, and the perfect addition to any...